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We Can’t Resist Change

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Photo by cody berg on Pexels.com

We can’t resist change;
It doesn’t do any good.
It’ll come atcha anyway,
Just as you knew it would.

You can’t live in static constancy.
You can’t love feeling quite STUCK.
You might as well embrace change;
You’ll never survive in muck!

They say the sixties were
A time of enormous flux.
We’re hearing all about it now
From dirt poor to those with bucks.

The media has a lot to say.
Everybody’s weighing in.
John McCain survived the sixties,
And so did Aretha Franklin.

Their lives were celebrated
This week in national news.
Reporters say they rode the waves,
Caused ’em, managed ’em, changed our views.

They figured out how to live
With changes big and small.
But they were not the only ones.
Some of us pions answered the call.

We heard the words of MLK;
We felt the passion, took the power
To remain relevant in the fight
To right the wrongs we saw each hour.

Our lives may not have impacted
As many others as the famous,
But live the changes, that we did.
Saw death and destruction that would shame us.

Assassinations, wars, impeachments,
Protests, Missile Crisis, and debates
All were part of the Sixties decade.
But it also had some greats.

The Voting Rights Act was established;
Medicare brought health care to the masses;
Shirley Chisholm was elected;
Elvis’ army career quietly passes.

“The Pill” was born for married only;
First artificial heart was implanted;
The Vatican II held its four sessions;
The Beatles on Sullivan’s show was granted.

Star Trek debuted in a television series,
Rolling Stone magazine premiered;
“One Small Step for Mankind,”
Cronkite narrated as the moon appeared.

The first e-mail message was sent
On October 29 of 1969;
And the rest is history – changes fast –
Don’t resist it. Change is fine!


Comments on: "We Can’t Resist Change" (4)

  1. I, too, have seen a lot of changes in my lifetime but mostly technological. I wonder if I’ll be around to see flying cars become the norm. That would be awesome! Great poem, ma! Yes, embrace change!

  2. Change is indeed fine. Like it, hate it, ignore it, it will always be there. Take what you want, leave the rest, acknowledge it all.

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