Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

My Word for 2023

Yesterday I told you I’d share my word for the new year with you today. Are you ready? My word is:


Ready for what?

Ready for whatever unexpected blessings God sends my way.

Open. Receptive. Perceptive. Accepting. Ready!

Bring it on!

How about you? Have you decided on your 2023 word? My friend, Terry, chose “Connections.” Your word is??

Love and God’s blessings to you from JanBeek ❤️

Comments on: "My Word for 2023" (14)

  1. A good word

  2. Elaina Colby said:

    My word is “attitude”. An attitude of gratitude. A good attitude. A positive attitude. An attitude of mindfulness. I’m sure I think of more!

    • That’s a perfect choice! Attitude determines altitude. Rise up to the joy that’s out there for you! 🐝 ready!!

  3. Peace

    There’s so much hate in the world, divisions based on artificial barriers. I have never seen this in the animal or plant kingdoms. These divisions we construct, and to that end, we will use our vanity, to destroy the whole world and every speices on it. And for what?

    • Perfect choice, Peter! I TRUST that you and I can be the Peace and bring the Peace to those around us. Bee 🐝 the change we want to see 😇 in this world. 👍🏽❤️

  4. GREAT WORD!!!!! My word is TRUST…as in trust in God:)

    • Yes, the word trust is great. It is implied in my “Ready!” I can’t be ready for whatever comes if I don’t have trust! Thanks for sharing, Sue. I trust you’re having a great day!

  5. A great way to start the new year! Ready!!

  6. Excellent choice! God’s peace fills with us with our own readiness.

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