Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

The Source of My Light

The source of my light
Is no mystery to me.
The chords of my heart string
To the love of God’s electricity.

He charges me up
With His Word every day
So I can go out and walk
In the light of His Way.

The chords of His beams
Are not seen by the eye;
An invisible source
Is His love from on high.

It sings chords of peace.
It sounds soft and sweet.
Anyone can tap into His Power –
It’s not “cyber-cheat!”

The source of my light
Is no mystery to me.
His POWER can be yours, too.
God sends His love – FREE!

Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”  I love that scripture. I know that my works can give glory to God only if I am God’s servant. If I am obedient to God, He edits my life daily. He sends me His love and power so I can stand up under the weight of the burdens of this world. Just as my poem needed rewriting as I rethought the use of cords and chords, my life and my thoughts, my intentions and my actions need God’s revisions. A cord is a thing – you can see it as a line drawn from a bulb, or some electrical appliance, to its power source. But a chord is a sound – an invisible vibration sending a signal to your ear, heard as a tone. To me, that’s more like my connection to God’s Will in my life. The Holy Chord is the Holy Spirit – the spirit of God in me. I can hear its music! I can feel its Light.

May you have the joy of hearing His tones – His music – His love singing in and through you! Shine on!!

Comments on: "The Source of My Light" (2)

  1. How each of us needs the Holy Spirit to resonate in our spirits. Love your poem!

    • I am sure the Holy Spirit resonates in your spirit, Russ. I can hear the chords and feel the vibrations of love all the way over here in Madison County, Montana!! Bless you!

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