Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

A Merry Heart

“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,
but by sorrow of the heart
the spirit is broken.”

Proverbs 15:13

Use your merry heart
To be like an umbrella
Protection in storms

At the end of day
Your sweet, merry countenance
Is a lovely sight

Your positive view
Shines through the dark clouds of gloom
Lifting others’ hearts

You’ve an extra dose
Merriment is contagious
You infect others

David Jeremiah’s entry in today’s devotional
in Ever Faithful was titled “A Merry Heart.”
It gave me the incentive for today’s post:

“After Richard Norris was badly disfigured
by a gunshot wound in 1997,
he remained hidden at his parents’ home for years.
They covered the mirrors
to keep him from glimpsing his face.
But a team of doctors…
gave Richard a new countenance.”

The scripture selected, Proverbs 15:13, fit the story perfectly.
Richard’s spirit was broken.
His sorrow of the heart was understandable.
David Jeremiah went on to link
Richard’s sorrow to us all:

“While Richard’s story is unusually dramatic,
there’s a sense in which we all need a new countenance.
Study the faces of people you meet every day…”

Oh how I love those
Last two pictures of my friends
Study every face

David Jeremiah goes on to suggest,

“Steal a quick glance at your own face
as you pass a mirror or reflective window.
…Our emotions inexorably flash through
the forty-three muscles in our face
and we communicate our feelings
through our eyes, brows,
and the set of our mouths.”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

“One smile can light up a room;
one frown can darken a day.

“The Bible tells us a merry heart
makes a cheerful countenance.
Rejoice in the Lord today
and let the joy of Jesus shine through.”

I dare you to listen to this and not smile!!
You know I play the accordion, right?
Well this is a concertina… buttons on both sides.
Aren’t these kids adorable?

Open up you Merry Heart!
Mine is open for you!!

Love ya,

Open heart + Open hands = Merry, Cheerful Countenance

Comments on: "A Merry Heart" (12)

  1. Beautiful.. Wishing you a Very Merry Heart Jan <3

  2. What a wonderful feeling blog! And I love the picture of you snuck in between all the other wonderful faces!

  3. Good words of wisdom Jan!

  4. Peter Martin said:

    Richard Norris needed to know, this is God’s plan. A person is not a face but a spirit.

    • Ah yes… and your spirit is a Light to the world, Peter. Thank you for reading and responding. Bob & I have you and Alice in our daily prayers. We are so happy to be home. Thank you for your safe travel prayers. <3

  5. Jan, thanks for adding this positive message to my day. Attitude . . . we need to nurture ours and pass our merry heart on to someone else.

  6. I would like to see and hear you playing the accordion! Future blog? Amazing grace? (((((Jan)))))))

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