Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Listen with Your Heart!

Bloganuary #17 “What’s a Super Power You’d Like to Have?”

I answered the question earlier today,
interpreting it as a “Secret Power”
– and those answers still stand.

But, I have had time to do my devotionals this morning
– and I’ve listened to a few podcasts
– and I’ve given this question greater thought.

It’s a Super Power… not just a secret power!
Here’s my answer to THAT question for today:

I’d like to have the Super Power to listen with my heart – truly listen to others – and see into their heart, their intent behind their words. In Bayside Church’s devotional on-line today, Kevin Thompson spoke to this issue of listening. Here’s what he said:

“Consider the power of listening. When we hear another person, we see them, value them, place their voice above our own. We restrain ourselves to give them space to speak. Sincere listening is born of humility. It is a genuine act of love. When we fail to listen, we are elevating ourselves above others. We arrogantly assume we already know what they might say or believe they can add no value to our lives. Planning our response when someone else is talking instead of truly hearing what they have to say is a sign of pride. Refusing to see and hear other people is one of the most dehumanizing acts we can take.

“When Jesus commands that we love our neighbors, one way we should do so is to listen to them. That’s not the whole command, but it’s part of it.

“So, which neighbors are you failing to hear? Too often, our lives become echo chambers in which the only people who have our ears are those with whom we agree. People with the same experience, perspective, and understanding provide the voices that influence us. Yet love calls us to a different way. Christians should have the most diverse voices influencing us because we believe everyone is created in the image of God, every person has value and purpose, and we understand the limits to our knowledge and experience.

“Imagine the difference love/listening could make in our world. Where authentic listening takes place marriages flourish. In a world of political divisions, what if the church modeled listening and loving people with whom we disagree politically. In a society divided among socioeconomic and racial divides, what could the church offer if we went out of our way to know, hear, understand, and love those with different backgrounds, upbringings, and experiences than we have?


“The fantastic news of faith is that the God of Heaven has given us access to His ear at any moment. He invites us to speak to Him on an ongoing basis. This changes how we use our tongues. But it also changes how we use our ears. Receiving God’s invitation to hear from us, we begin to extend our ears to those to whom we otherwise might not listen. We seek to value them, learn from them, and be in a relationship with a diverse community.

Who is a neighbor you are not currently listening to? Start listening with your heart today.”

It actually doesn’t take a Super Power to listen with your heart … but to see inside the speaker’s heart to their intent … well, that might take a special gift from God – ya think?

Sending love ❤️ and prayers for your health and happiness.
It’s so good to be home!

I just returned from my annual physical.
In spite of a residual cough from this RSV,
my dear doctor tells me
I am no longer contagious –
and I’ve been given a clean bill of health.
Hooray! Bob’s feeling good, too.
Thanks for your loving prayers!

Thank you for
visiting JanBeek today.

See ya tomorrow(God willing)

Oh, and tell me – what’s a Super Power you’d like to have?

Comments on: "Listen with Your Heart!" (11)

  1. Dana Pulliam said:

    Love listening! That’s the super power I want!

  2. Anonymous said:

    So very valid – also good health news

  3. I think that you wanting to listen with your heart is the first step to achieving that superpower. It’s not easy, but it can be done – to a degree. I love the title of this post – it encompasses the content so well.

  4. So good to hear you’re back on track health wise! One of the best gifts of love one can give is listening to another person and hearing them!

  5. This is a wonderful blog entry. I hope people think I’m a good listener. I know I can do better, though.

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