Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace Opportunities

Make life exciting
Embrace Opportunities
Have your “YES!” ready.

Photo by Adrienne Andersen on Pexels.com

Keep your heart open –
Embrace the unexpected.
Surprises are fun!

An Unexpected call
from a group of bicyclists
traveling 4000 miles for cancer research
caused our pastor to say, “Yes!”

They biked to Ennis, Montana,
had showers and their dinner
at our pastor’s home, and then
spent the night in our
Madison Valley Presbyterian Church.

What a blessing for them and for us!

When we are open
To bring blessings to others,
We’re blessed in return.

This week our son, Ty,
And his dear wife, Monika,
Are spending time here.

Blessed by their presence,
Seizing opportunities,
We build family bonds.

Ty & Monika

Saying “Yes!” to friends,
Being open to family,
Reaps blessings galore.

Open up your heart
Let all joyous love come in
You’ll be glad you did!

John 13:34

A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another:
just as I have loved you,
you also are to love one another.

So with every chance,
Reach out to one another –
Love with abandon!

Abound in this world of ours –
Keep an open heart!

Listen for guidance
Let opportunities shine
And lead you forward!

I’ll say “Yes Lord,
Yes Lord! All the way.”
Embrace Opportunities!


God bless you!
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Comments on: "Embrace Opportunities" (3)

  1. This was very special Yes response. I, however, had to learn to say No

    • Oh, I understand, {{{Derrick}}} – – – “No” is an important word in our vocabulary. Took me a long time to learn to use it appropriately!

  2. Jan, thanks for sharing some news from your community under the Big Sky. I agree with Derrick’s thought. We are blessed with many opportunities in life. Sometimes we cannot embrace each and every one. Fortunately, our Lord continues to bless us with many more for consideration. We just need to embrace the concept of prioritization. Blessings to your continued posts as well as sharing a bit of Buck Owens.

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