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Embrace Swiss Beekeeping

In 2018 we were in Switzerland and our daughter, DeAna, arranged for our grandson, Michael Solioz, to visit a Swiss beekeeper with his Grampy Bob. Bob wrote up some questions ahead of time, and Mike translated them for the man who is the president of the Sion Beekeepers’ Club.

This video is so professionally done by Mike. I guarantee you will enjoy it. The beekeeper is such a delightful man – a retired physician!

So, what did you think of that?

If you have followed my blog for awhile, you know that Bob is a retired beekeeper… He did that for over 20 years after he retired from teaching/coaching.

Photo by FRANK MERIu00d1O on Pexels.com

No, that’s not Bob up there. He rarely dressed up like that! No suit, no gloves, just the hat and veil sometimes. He is the “bee whisperer” according to beekeeper hobbyists here who enlist his help with their hives occasionally.

Notice Bob’s short pants, bare hands, and hat without veil. Experienced beekeepers seem to know how to approach the bees with peaceful intentions that the bees can sense… unless they’re Africanized bees (that’s a whole other blog topic someday).

Anyway, it was fun to uncover that 2018 Swiss beekeeper interview. I hope you enjoyed it.

Bob & I wish you a Happy Monday
and a fun-filled, productive week.

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Comments on: "Embrace Swiss Beekeeping" (13)

  1. Sunny De said:

    How fun to share that video again! And it was neat to see Dad in his shorts and wearing a Rothorn shirt!

  2. That was cool. I never knew bees could get a parasite. Very neat video. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Jan and Bob! Unfortunately, the video wouldn’t play for me. But I love the post and pics of Bob. I’ve often thought of beekeeping. You two are just un”bee”lievably adorable! Peace and hugs to you both! 💚 Karla

  4. The video interview is fascinating

    • Thank you! I appreciate your visit, your comment, and your decision to follow. I hope you find JanBeek to be inspirational, educational, and entertaining as you peruse its pages. I’ve been at this since 2012!! (I will go check and see what your blog is about. <3

  5. Elaina Colby said:

    Oh I really enjoyed watching that video again! Thanks for sharing. Yes Mike did a fantastic job making it. My girls will always remember and be fascinated by the fact that their Grampy could stand just inches away from hundreds of bees without being bothered by them at all. My grandpa used to do that as well with his hives. I remember him telling me to never eat a banana right before going near the beehives. Have you heard of that before? I have never been brave enough to test it out!

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