Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace the Moon

A friend passed this video on to me today and I just couldn’t resist passing it along to you. It’s stunning!

It inspired me t find poetry about the moon. Here’s one I really like:

Will You Come?

Edward Thomas – 1878-1917

Will you come?
Will you come?
Will you ride
So late
At my side?
O, will you come?

Will you come?
Will you come?
If the night
Has a moon,
Full and bright?
O, will you come?

Would you come?
Would you come
If the noon
Gave light,
Not the moon?
Beautiful, would you come?

Would you have come?
Would you have come
Without scorning,
Had it been
Still morning?
Beloved, would you have come?

If you come
Haste and come.
Owls have cried;
It grows dark
To ride.
Beloved, beautiful, come.

Have a peace-filled Monday night, my friends. Thank you for coming to visit JanBeek.

Embrace the Moon!

Love and Moon Hugs to you.

Comments on: "Embrace the Moon" (5)

  1. Was that Acker Bilk?

  2. Beginning a poem with a question is an effective way to invite the reader to drop in and embrace the prose. Thanks for sharing Jan.

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