Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Clear Conscience

Yesterday I wrote about embracing a clear conscience. Then I went up to my sanctuary and read some of my devotionals. As is often the case, I was astounded at how God synchronizes my reading and writing and my life.

One of my devotionals is a Bible Study published by the Moody Bible Institute, Today in the Word.

My friend, Caroline, and I are studying the books of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians. The topic on Wednesday was “Living with Integrity.” Integrity is one of my favorite words … one of the most important life concepts. Without it, there is no way we can have a clear conscience!!

Thessalonians 4:11

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.”

Photo by Gary Barnes on Pexels.com

A quiet life is one that knows when to tune out the thunder, avoid the noise and the crowds, and settle into a peaceful place where introspection is possible.

If we never steal ourselves away from the hustle and bustle long enough to look at ourselves honestly and listen to the Holy Spirit directing us, and analyze our thoughts and actions, how can we hope to live a life of quiet integrity with a clear conscience?

The Moody devotional reminded me:

“A quiet life does not mean moving to the country.
It can be described as taking care of one’s own responsibilities,
as opposed to meddling in others’ affairs.
Such a person is peaceable and respectful of others.”

When we stop,
take a break,
slow down,
and look around us
and inside our souls,
we open ourselves
to discover
the beauty
and the peace

Peace be with you, my friends…
Peace – inside and out.


Thanks for visiting JanBeek.

I love hearing about how you’re doing…
What’s your secret to a clear conscience
and a peaceful existence?

See ya later! (God willing)

Comments on: "Clear Conscience" (12)

  1. Quiet moments with the Lord help the Spirit to better align our thoughts and actions. Well-said Jan; thanks for sharing your devotional’s message.

  2. I am so inspired by this. I don’t know if it’s just getting older or if the world is shifting its consciousness slightly. Or maybe I’m just gravitating towards those who DO live by the word integrity. Well written today, my friend.

    • Thank you! Whatever the reason, age or world shifting, gravitation or wisdom … the closer we can get to living with integrity the happier we will be!
      L ove
      I ntegrity
      V alidate
      E ternity

  3. Damn, the synchronicity is real on this one! Loved reading it 🙂

  4. Lovely post.

  5. Integrity is so important – and that Elvis recording is superb

  6. Elaina Colby said:

    I don’t know if it’s my secret or not but when I find myself having negative thoughts or feeling sorry for myself or complaining about things, I spend some time in conversation with God and redirect my thoughts to praying and helping others. I know that they have way bigger problems than I will ever have and that I am truly blessed.

    • I think that sounds like a very wise strategy <3 I bet it works to help you move into a more positive mindset. <3

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