Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace Purpose

What is your purpose?
Has anyone asked you that question recently?
Have you asked it of yourself?

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

Another way to ask the question is:
What is my life’s goal?

When I asked my husband Bob, yesterday
He responded,
“To give God credit for everything.”

We talked about the difference between
Internal and external purposes.

Internally we live a life filed with gratitude to God.

Externally, how do we show or express it?

Bob responded,
“Accept your lot without complaints”
“Be His hands and feet –
Extending His Kingdom on Earth.”

Photo by Simon Berger on Pexels.com

Like these mountains,
Life and purpose have so many layers.

What is God’s purpose for me?

This is the prayer I pray
each morning before I leave
my sanctuary to begin my day in the world:

“Dear Lord,

Guide my feet in Your Way today.
Help me meet who You want me to meet.
Tell me what You want me to say,
And keep me out of Your way!

Help me be who You made me to be.
And teach me to be still
So I can know what You want me to do.
Help me walk in You Will.”

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.com

Romans 8:28

“And we know that for those who love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to His purpose.”

Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

In today’s These Days, Daily Devotions for Living by Faith,
the message resonated with me as I contemplate my purpose:

“I pray and ask God to give me the words I need.
The time to share is now so that everyone will know
the Love of God.

By speaking and writing about God’s love and glory,
we are passing this knowledge on to future generations.

Whether singing worship music,
reading devotionals aloud,
or writing about God,
I am given opportunities to
help the whole world
know and develop
a closer relationship with God.”

That’s my purpose!
Share the love, joy and peace
that are mine through Christ.

I want everyone to feel it!!

Father, please give me the words
to share so everyone will know you.

I LOVE this series of pencil drawings of Jesus with the children!

In my Mornings with Jesus devotional today,
the message fit this topic perfectly.
Cynthia Ruchti, wrote

“A recent project at our house has tested our mettle as a couple…”

She went on to explain how their old 1913 house is crooked.
Trying to “install straight, factory-squared windows into an opening
that is anything but perfectly square has been cause for…

“What a telling picture of the reasons Jesus was so adamant
that … the foundational layer of our souls
has to be built plumb and true,
more meticulously than anything that will come after.”

“Jesus said that JOY is foundational to our lives as Christ followers.
If joy is solid, anchored well, and secure because of our trust in His promises,
anything else we build on top of that will have much greater chance
of aligning with His purpose for us.

We won’t be ‘half a bubble off’ if His joy bubbles inside us.”

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Pexels.com

I aim to be inspired by
His Word,
His Life,
His Love,

His Gift of Grace,
and His Purpose
for my life.

(That’s the internal purpose)

my purpose is to share that
love, joy, peace, faith and unity
that are mine…
with the hope that you
are inspired to share it, too!

Keep looking up!

Is anything in your house noticeably crooked?
When you pass that spot, don’t straighten it!
Look up!

Use it as a reminder of the importance
of building your life of faith on Jesus
and the meaning of the cross.
Jesus is plumb and true, and
by His death on the cross,
you are, too!!

What is your purpose?
What inspires you to live according to your purpose?

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today.
See ya tomorrow (God willing)

Comments on: "Embrace Purpose" (19)

  1. Jan, this post overflows with the richness of God’s purpose flowing through our very fiber. I can identify with Bob’s words as well as trying to fit a square window into an irregular opening. My own life has survived a few unbalanced and crooked moments over the years. Thanks for reminding me to keep looking skyward. Grace and peace!

  2. Great post Jan. Great questions as well. I believe we are now “The Word made flesh…”

  3. svphillips10gmailcom said:

    I love the faith and gratitude that you and Bob have.❤️ God bless you both 🙏🏻

  4. This is the event that led to my finding my purpose: https://derrickjknight.com/2012/07/17/one-life-cut-short-another-changed-forever/
    That post leads to how I found it.

  5. Amen to the prayer. This question is very important and without comprehending it well leads to most questions. I find service to self and others a good step towards finding ones purpose.

  6. I like what
    Bob responded with,
    “Accept your lot without complaints”
    “Be His hands and feet –
    Extending His Kingdom on Earth.”
    That is amazing. Beautiful words. What a wonderful philosophy.

  7. Elaina Colby said:

    So many words of wisdom in this blog. As I struggle each day with the chaos, stress and disappointment of my job I remind myself to look up, thank God for my job and my life’s blessings and to remember to be patient. I know God has a plan for me. I enjoyed this response from Bob “To give God credit for everything.” Definitely!

    • Thank you for your response, Laina. I am glad you are reminded to look up and to be grateful for your many blessings. I will pass your comment on to Bob. We both send our love <3 <3

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