Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Embrace Connections


Reach out to others
Make meaningful connections
Share your thoughtfulness

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Did you click the link?
The link was “Thanks for the Dance”
From Leonard Cohen.

If you didn’t hear –
Didn’t see the video,
Go up and do it!

Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels.com

Look into another’s heart
See the hidden pain

Learn to disagree
Learn to listen with your heart
Show your compassion

Connections can save
The loneliest from despair
Suicide is real

Express your concern
Let your compassion embrace
Those in depression

Depression is real
Too often it is hidden
Inside solitude

Leonard Cohen’s poem
Hit me right between the eyes
Took me to my niece

‘Twas nineteen years old
When her life appeared hopeless
Jumped Golden Gate Bridge

Photo by Mohamed Almari on Pexels.com

‘Twas two weeks later
When her decomposed body
Washed its way ashore

Only dental charts
Helped to identify her
Memories are raw

Never imagined
Her pain was so very deep
Didn’t see the signs

So much is known now
Nearly forty years ago
We just weren’t aware

Today it’s rampant
Especially Montana
Third in the nation

Growing suicides
It’s not a good statistic
Something must be done

These are images from Leonard Cohen’s impactful video. (Haven’t watched it yet? Go back up to that link. Take five minutes and then come on back.) The poetry and his raspy, musical voice will touch your heart. You’ll carry it with you.

You’ll ask yourself, “What Happens to the Heart?” and you will want to be more aware, more compassionate, more helpful. You’ll look in your friend’s eyes. You’ll study your loved one’s face. You’ll ask questions. You’ll care. And you’ll want to know WHAT CAN I DO? When you see sadness, despair, loneliness, you’ll want to help. How??

There are visible
Ways we can show how we care
Check out resources

Reach out to others
Make meaningful connections
Share your thoughtfulness

Embrace Connections
They can make the difference
YOU are important!

Thanks for dropping by JanBeek

Sending you love and hugs
Stay Connected!!
See ya tomorrow

Comments on: "Embrace Connections" (9)

  1. Elaina Colby said:

    Big hugs to you MomBee 💕

  2. It’s distressing and sad that many can’t see a way out and take such drastic measures. 🙁

    • Yes, it is a sad situation. Never be afraid to ask the direct question: “Are you feeling suicidal?” when you embrace connection with a friend who is struggling with mental health. If s/he says “Yes,” or “Maybe”, the next question is “Do you have a plan?” If they have thought about HOW, be sure to get help… and do no leave them alone!

  3. Jan, thank you so much for sharing this important issue! THANK YOU !!

  4. Jan, I just absolutely love you. Every single time I see your face or read your words, I smile. Even reading such a terribly difficult subject at this one. Bless your heart Jan…I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your niece. Your words are powerful and true. Far too often we don’t know how deeply the pain resides in one’s heart until we take the time to find out. It seems too much in this life these days is rush rush. It shouldn’t be that way. We lose what matters most — love, caring, empathy, and connection.

    Your words pierce my heart. THANK YOU for taking the time to talk about depression, suidice prevention, and compassion. If everyone had your heart, we’d be a very blessed world! Thank you Jan for all you do, and most importantly, who you are. I think of you often and feel blessed to have ‘met you’ in this online world. Here’s to praying that we can save these precious lives who feel lost and alone with the Lord’s help. 🙏🏼

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