Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Care About Stats?

Do You Study Your Stats?

What do your stats tell you?

Talented musician and poet, Laura Sullivan, can look at her stats and know they spell SUCCESS.
No doubt about it! When you earn your living as a musician – and you play to be heard, getting two and a half million listeners has got to be a rush. Don’t you think?

How About You?

How about you?
Do you care how many followers you have on WordPress?
Do you count a successful post by how many likes you get?
Or by the number of comments?
Or by the viewers the stats show?

Looking at your daily stats
can reveal patterns
that give you clues
about what titles
or numbers of posts per day
can do.

BUT, they can be very discouraging.

All that effort
only 16 likes or comments?

When I look at my stats
by the years instead of weeks or months,
Wow! How encouraging!
What a lot of improvement
I made after I decided
to post on a regular basis!

do those stats
define success for me?

No! I won’t let numbers define me!
But, look at those likes and comments for this 2020 year.
Now, that can get my blood
rolling through my veins
at a quicker pace,
can’t it?

Is it Numbers?

Oh no, wait!
Are numbers why we do this?
Are we motivated by our ability to reach out?
Do our world views show us what we’re about?

Beware the Comparison Game!

When Cristian Mihai (The Art of Blogging) shows us his world map, every continent is colored in. It’s easy to play that comparison game – and decide you’re never gonna be good enough. Don’t fall into that trap!!

Define Your Purpose

Why do you blog?
Is it for numbers?
I doubt it!

Some people do it for money …
they are full time bloggers and stats mean income.
I understand that.
But, my guess is that the majority of us
are in it for the joy of
being inspired
being an inspiration.

That’s my purpose!
To spread positivity and optimism
and to help us all
just “Love One Another”
more unconditionally.

When I get a response
like the one below,
that’s what makes it all worthwhile.
That’s what makes my heart swell.

I want to be a “Beacon of Light and Hope.
Don’t we all??

Yesterday I receive this comment:

Whose Light?

Yes, I want to be a beacon of hope and light …
and be unafraid to tell you where that light originates!
I can’t fulfill my purpose alone!
Only as I am connected to my source
am I authentic enough to inspire.

It’s not a candle that keeps burning on its own!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The flame is “This Little Light of Mine” and I don’t intend to hide it under a bushel!
Let it SHINE!!!

Who or what electrifies your light?
What prompts your posts?
Is it to inspire?

Let the stats speak…
But don’t let them be your only motivation.


Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) on Pexels.com

Thanks for visiting
See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Care About Stats?" (7)

  1. Stats are fun and interesting, but comments and the relationships that develop are best. Many comments guide me towards further post materials.

    • You get hundreds of comments – and God bless you – you respond to them all. I don’t know how you do that! I can respond to all because at most I might get 20. And yes, they intrigue, inspire, and prompt me to continue. This post on stats was motivated by how much more I was encouraged by the beautiful response than I was turned on (actually off) by the stats that popped up the next time I logged in to WP! Your comments always are encouraging, {{{Derrick}}}. Thank You!!! <3

  2. You most definitely are a beacon of light and hope, Jan!
    With my sensitivity issues and idiosyncrasies I’m not good at maintaining long-term relationships (except for those closest to me like my immediate family), but I do have compassion and love to share in my own way, and enjoy writing my blog in the hope that it may help and encourage someone who needs it.

  3. Since beginning my writing and blogging journey in October, 2018, I have found fulfillment in sharing my craft, growing in my faith, and forming connections with many gifted people.

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