Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Missing Or Giving?

This is Vissoie, Switzerland.
Our daughter and son-in-law have a restaurant here.
Isn’t it beautiful?

We missed our visit with them this year. We are not even able to go to California to celebrate Christmas with our son and his family there. I bet we are not alone. Many of you are missing your visits with your family this Christmas, too.

We’ll miss being with our son, Ty, and having my sister, Sally with us this year.

What are you missing?

Photo by Maximiliano Ignacio Pinilla Alvarado on Pexels.com

Like this sad looking dog, we can sit around and look all mopey.
We can focus on what we’re missing.
Or we can go to Ann Kaplow’s blog this morning,
try focusing on the positive,
and answer her question,
“Can you find something to celebrate in today’s images?”

Ann Koplow
Check out her blog below.

Ann KoplowThe Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

Celebrate the fact that even though we feel the darkness of this Coronavirus and the isolation caused by this pandemic, we also can experience the LIGHT! The Light still shines – and we can reflect it!

Focus on the Reason for the Season

Let us not focus
On the things we are missing
But on our blessings

We have so much to give!
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Basic needs are met
And we have great resources
Enough to share them

When your needs are met
Leave the reptilian brain
And share your great smile

Food, clothing, shelter –
Not all people are so blessed.
Take these for granted?

No! Let’s treasure them.
Now we can go beyond them –
Reach out to others.

What do we have to give?

You have love to give
You have compassion to give
And you have kindness

Focus on giving
Blessings are overflowing
Share them with others

As long as you give
Know your cup will be refilled
You can’t out-give God!

In this weary world
People long for what you have
Share your love – give faith!

Have a little faith
Not in the things of this world
But in the True Light

Take the LOVE He gives
And let that love shine through you
Give a little FAITH!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek today.
Have a blessed Thursday.
Count your blessings!
See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Missing Or Giving?" (9)

  1. Reblogged this on Humoring the Goddess and commented:
    This is the season of missing … of giving … and of blessings …

  2. We are fortunate enough to not miss too much

  3. Instead of listing the things I have missed, I find it more uplifting to think of the many blessings in my life. On a separate note, God may bless central Ohio with a “White Christmas.”

    • Today Ennis, Montana is being blessed by high winds that are blowing all our snow away. We’ll be ready for a fresh snowfall next week! Have a wonderful weekend, {{{Richard}}}.

  4. My husband, Peter, died on Sat. 12th December and on Sat. 19th December we had a Funeral Service for him. I wrote about it here:


    And here you can watch the Funeral Service:


    You can switch cameras to watch the slide show and camera 2 as well.

    Sydney is in lockdown at present. I am alone at home and don’t know yet, whether my family will be able to visit me at Christmas. I am so sorry you’ll miss out on all your family visits this Christmas. But I love your blog. There is much in it to make me feel better. Thanks very much for sharing!

    Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

    Love, Uta

    • What a heart breaking reality… your husband is gone and you’re not sure your children can come or you can go to them. God bless you, {{{Uta}}} and give you peace. Thank you for sharing the links to these heart-wrenching experiences. My heart goes out to you … and I pray for your comfort and the ability to look back at happy memories and thank God for the love you shared. Thank you for your affirmative comment. I am so pleased to know my blog helps you feel better. That’s the kindest thing you could have told me. It’s such a bonus to know that my sharing may lighten someone else’s burden. <3 May your heart be blessed with love and affection from those you need to reach out to you this Christmas, {{{Uta}}}. Love & hugs to you. <3

  5. I thank you very, very much, dear Jan, for you heartfelt response. It looks now, that my family is allowed to visit me for Christmas. But still, elderly people are advised to uphold some social distancing. You never know, in a group on ten family members, one of them may have picked up the Virus somewhere!
    Best Wishes to you for Christmas and the New Year. Stay safe!
    Love and Hugs from Uta 🙂

    • I am so glad you will be able to see family this Christmas. Ours will be a ZOOM meeting. Have a safe, happy, and blessed Christmas Eve day… and a very meaningful Christmas. God bless you, Uta! <3

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