Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Is God Asleep?

Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on Pexels.com

Where’s God?
Is God asleep?
It seems to me
In these days of COVID
He is fast asleep at the helm.
Where do His miracles abide today?
God does not sleep in dark times;
He lights a candle and waits for our
enlightenment to see His path and find the dawn.

Photo by fotografierende on Pexels.com

Yesterday was Quadrille Monday at d’Verse.
Lisa asked us to use the word abide
for our prompt
and write a Quadrille –
– poem of 44 words.

Photo by Jane Pham on Pexels.com

I was inspired by Dwight at Roth Poetry
who wrote his quadrille using
“Abiding Love” as his subject.
Thank you, {{{Dwight}}} –
I loved your poem.
You will, too, dear WordPress friends!
Check it out at

rothpoetryAbiding Love

Join the fun at https://dversepoets.com

Rest assured –
God is not sleeping!

Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Try a quadrille – and share it with me, ok?

44 words…
Choose your own theme using “Abide” in it.
It’s fun!

See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Is God Asleep?" (33)

  1. Jan, thank you so much and glad Dwight’s poem helped you reach dVerse to submit a poem. Your link was in the comments at the pub. In order to be seen by more, Mr. Linky linkup is needed. I will try to add your link to Mr. Linky. You should see it in your comments here.

  2. A great question Jan! One many ask in these times as we watch loved ones die before our very eyes! I love the analogy of asleep at the helm!
    Thank you Jan for your kind words about my post!

  3. Lovely poem!

  4. Such a sound question

    • Thank you, {{{Derrick}}} – – – and the answer is… NO!! God is not sleeping. God is ever awake and vigilant!! I so appreciate His light in the darkness of this COVID-19 pandemic. I pray for a vaccine that is effective world-wide that can put this virus behind us.

  5. Like your first poem.


  6. Beverly Crawford said:

    A lovely poem, and a never-ending question.

    • Especially in times of trouble, we wonder, don’t we? And, if you are like I am, the assurance that indeed God is always awake and with us, is so very appreciated! <3

  7. We humans are expected to tend the flame and keep it alive.

  8. Sherry Marr said:

    I love the ending, where God is waiting for humankind to awaken………for we have made the bed we lie in. Wonderfully penned.

  9. There is always this contradiction between an almighty God and the horrors of plagues. We are to blame in more ways than one.

  10. Wonderful poetry and shares Jan.. Do I think God is asleep? no, I think he has orchestrated things and he is just waiting for us to wake up.. 🙂 <3
    Much love dear Jan… Enjoy your day <3 <3 <3

  11. Peter Martin said:

    God does not sleep during day or by night.
    He watches over us with his caring sight.
    It’s man’s folly that brings about this covid blight.
    Satan and his evil doers furnished what is not right.
    We abide by God’s love and glorious might.

  12. Jeffrey Coulter said:

    I posted a 44 word reply. I hope you see it.

  13. Well done Jan! You even crafted your poem into the shape of a Christmas tree.

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