Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Alive for a Reason

You’re alive for a reason.
What is it?

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com
I’m alive because…
My purpose in life is to…

I’d love to see how you complete
one or both of those sentences.

I have given them a lot of thought lately.

Write your sentence before you look below for what I wrote.









I’m alive for a reason.
I’m alive because my number hasn’t come up yet!
My purpose in life is
– to love
– to accept love gratefully,
– to spread that love far and wide
– and to help others seek the Source
of that joyous, peace-filled love.

I don’t love because I expect love in return…
(but that usually happens).
I love because God first loved me,
my parents loved me,
and I have been blessed with family and friends who love me.
My cup overflows… and I NEED to share it.

How did you finish the sentence?

I hope you had (have) a loving family too.
My daddy was the world’s greatest hugger!

Have a great weekend.
Live for your purpose!
See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Alive for a Reason" (11)

  1. Jeffrey Coulter said:

    I’m alive because God wants me to love and protect Alice. God has favored her. As such, I am alive to ensure that she completes all his works here on earth. I’m alive to facilitate that accomplishments. I sometimes feel like Joseph to Alice’s, Mary.

    • What a lovely response, Jeffrey. I am sure as you love and protect Alice, you are impacting positively the lives of all others who know and love the two of you – and see your supportive relationship. God bless you! <3

  2. I’m alive because my parents had so much love that they created me! My purpose is to do the same with my love for my husband. I’ve fulfilled that and I think I did a pretty damn good job! Now that that is “done” my purpose is to be kind to others and bring happiness to those around me as well as be happy myself.

    • Your happiness and positivity sparkle, DeDe. What a joy you are! I am a very blessed mother to have you as my daughter. If I fulfilled no other purpose than to being two loving children into the world, and watch them grow into loving, positive, impactful people, (ChiIdren of God who will join me in heaven someday), then I would die a happy woman! <3

  3. My purpose is serve Christ and others, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am wonderfully made in the image of God. I strive to love my husband and family the best I can. My purpose to teach my children to have a walk with Christ

  4. My purpose in life is to teach my grandchildren what love and respect is in this world. If they turn out better people than I am, I have done my job.

  5. Retirement has emphasized this purpose in my life: share as much positivity as possible with others. I guess I have always been a “cup half full” type of person.

    • Yup, that is apparent, (((Richard))) – it is one of the qualities that draws bloggers and others to you. Have a blessed day – and keep spreading that positivity. The world needs more of it! <3

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