Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Why Forgive?

It’s easy for someone to tell you to forgive
Easy for them to say
But they weren’t the one who was wronged
Advice is cheap today

Photo by NEOSiAM 2020 on Pexels.com

It’s easy for someone to tell you to forgive
Blood’s not on their hands
The ones who performed murderous acts
There: Forgiveness demands

In today’s sermon at Madison Valley Presbyterian Church here in Ennis, Montana, our pastor, Steve Hundley, preached on the scripture found in Matthew 21:33-46. He acknowledged that it is a hard lesson to make sense of. The vineyard owner sent workers to harvest the grapes, and the tenants of the vineyard killed the workers.

The owner sent more workers and the tenants killed them, too.

Photo by Elina Krima on Pexels.com

So the vineyard owner sent his son. Surely the tenants would respect the owner’s son! But, no… they killed him, too!

What are we to make of this story?

Photo by Ian Panelo on Pexels.com

In the midst of such horrendous acts, the bottom line is love. Love the murderers? Love the tenants who killed the people who came to harvest? Love the tenants who killed the owner’s son?

Realize that this parable is about God, the owner of all we have. It’s about the fact that we live in a world under the shadow of the “American Dream; Ownership.”

Maybe the message is “Nobody likes an absent landlord!” The tenants are the ones who worked hard to maintain that vineyard. Then, at harvest time, the owner expects to send others to reap the benefit of their hard work? No, the tenants hated the idea of others coming to reap the harvest!

When the son was sent… the parable is asking us to see that this was the Son, Jesus. He, too was killed. Killed by those who feared this Messiah was going to take what they thought they owned… the kingship, the ownership of the land and its people.

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God did not create us to take ownership of God’s resources. We are the stewards, the caretakers. God’s vineyard is not for sale. We were not even given a lease with an option to buy!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The parable doesn’t tell us what the owner did to the tenants. It doesn’t say He finally left his mansion and went down and got even with the tenants somehow… what might the retribution look like?

It doesn’t tell us He forgave them for their murderous acts. We are left to finish the story ourselves. How would you finish it?

What is your idea of ownership? What is your understanding of our Owner’s Love? Pastor Steve reminded us that Our Owner longs for a connection with us. “God desires a relationship with us… He asks that we take care of this earth – His gifts to us – and one another… and that we give a portion back.” He asks that we love one another. He asks us to forgive one another – and to love our enemies. Wow! That’s a tall order!!

Pastor Steve concluded his sermon today by reminding us:
“Our gifts are not our own.
They are God’s,
and we are given them
to use for God’s Kingdom.
We are the caretakers.
God’s love
always trumps
God’s justice.

Photo by 42 North on Pexels.com

I love you, dear WordPress friends.
Thank you for visiting today.
I hope you’ve had a Love-filled Sunday.

Comments on: "Why Forgive?" (25)

  1. Jan, I was studying this passage from Matthew in a recent devotional series. Your pastor did an excellent sermon, and I appreciate you sharing it. Be healthy and safe. God’s peace!

    • Thanks so much, {{{Richard}}} Hugs to you. Bee well and safe and enjoy a peace-filled week. Thank you for your visit and comment and good wishes. God bless you! <3

  2. Such an insightful post Jan!!♥️🌺 “Advice really is cheap today but a good caring advice pretty much hard to find!” Verily, God is the creator, we are the caretakers but this connection is I guess not very well established with everyone of us that’s why so much of crimes and brutality, If it would have been, the world would be at peace. May God bless everyone of us to find the right path. 🙂♥️
    Have a nice day 🌸😊

    • Thank you, Samreen… Yes, if we all could practice this lesson of forgiveness, it would be a more peaceful world, indeed! Thank you for your comment. YOU have a wonderful week, {{{Samreen}}} <3

  3. such a beautiful reminder Jan, thank you!

    • You’re welcome, Wendi. We all need reminders occasionally about the need to and the rewards connected with forgiveness, don’t we? Sometimes (depending on the infraction) it’s harder than other times, isn’t it? And it’s when it’s the hardest that it is the most important , I think. Do you agree?

  4. Anonymous said:

  5. Fran McNeill said:

    All that I am, all that I have, all that I hope to be is a gift from God. Loved the sermon and totally agree.

    • Thank you, Fran. Steve does a wonderful job of taking a difficult scripture and making biblical sense of it, doesn’t he? Have a wonderful week, my friend. I love you! <3

  6. AsI forgive, my heart feels light and cleaner I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

  7. Grace is such a beautiful thing❣️~sometimes you have to forgive yourself ~let it go and flow to others. 💕

  8. A very good word for the day!
    God did not create us to take ownership of God’s resources. We are the stewards, the caretakers. God’s vineyard is not for sale. We were not even given a lease with an option to buy!

    In our selfish ways we feel we are entitled to our little piece of the world! When will we learn!

  9. This is such a profound post dearest Jan, it is hard for anyone to comprehend that we need to love and forgive… Forgiving doesn’t dismiss the act and it doesn’t make it right the wrong that has been done… The souls who hold darkness, who have no conscience who commit such deeds, are souls who lack the light of love in their hearts..
    So forgiving them is seeing that soul for what they are… A soul in need of love, a soul whose only lack of light makes them what they are…

    We are each responsible for our actions, and each accountable…. And when we respect ourselves, and we respect our environment, and when we open up our awareness that no one owns another, no one owns our world, our cities, our pieces of land..
    All is temporary.. All is transition…. We perceive ownership on that which we buy with our silver and gold, When in truth… When we pass from this existence.. We taken nothing with us of our possessions.

    All we take is what we hold within our hearts… And I choose to keep mine topped up with love and kindness, to share and respect others..

    Many thanks dearest Jan for your most insightful thoughts…. I truly enjoyed reading and digesting your words..

    Much love Sue <3 <3 <3

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