Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Relax and Enjoy Life

The first time I saw that meme I realized I needed to do all three things. How about you?

Photo by Riccardo Bresciani on Pexels.com

Do you need to get away to an ocean-side view to relax? Do you need to get out into the woods to truly enjoy life?

Photo by WARREN BLAKE on Pexels.com

Can you find a quiet space right where you are? Can you share it with a pet or a partner and release your shoulders and your stress and enjoy life in the moment?

Photo by La Miko on Pexels.com
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

If where you are is not conducive to relaxation, just gather your pet (or a partner) and head for a quiet spot of your choosing!

Photo by Spencer Gurley on Pexels.com
Bob & I take TazE to beautiful, relaxing spots.
There, we can more easily
release all tension and just relax!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

So, my friends,
whatever it takes,
I invite you to
take time right now
to relax and enjoy life.

Photo by lexi lauwers on Pexels.com

Get off the merry-go-round of life.
Step down from the carousel of cares
And unclench your jaw.
Drop the tongue from the roof of your mouth
And take a few very deep breaths.

Photo by Ingrid Santana on Pexels.com

And then,
after a nice refreshing break,
get back to work!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Or not!!

Thanks for

See ya tomorrow.
Have a relaxing Friday night!
What’re you doing this weekend to
“Relax and Enjoy Life”??

Begin with some soothing music…
Close your eyes and enjoy!

Comments on: "Relax and Enjoy Life" (15)

  1. Jan your advice is spot on! I am lucky enough to find my relaxing time in my back yard, without my phone or electronics! Beautiful post thank you!

  2. This relaxing music makes me think of the type of music they play when you’re getting a massage……ahhhhhh……. so soothing. Have a wonderful weekend, ma! Kad and Roger will be joining us up at the Mélèzes to put up our new curtains, install our new lamps and the wifi for the upper bedroom. They’re awesome!

  3. Sound advice

  4. Such a thoughtful and beautiful post JanBeek. Felt so relaxed 💖😊
    My idea of relaxation is when my son sleeps and I sit in tranquility to pen down my thoughts. 😊
    Hope you good!
    Take care
    Sending love and hugs 🤗❤️

    • Sounds like an idyllic situation, Samreen… a sleeping son, a poised pen and paper, and tumbling thoughts <3 Thanks for the love and hugs <3 Back atcha!! Have a beautiful, relaxed Sunday <3

  5. Peter Martin said:


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