Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Ya gotta read this post!
It’s full of gorgeous flowers from

and you don’t want to miss seeing more!
It’s full of a variety of humor and thoughtfulness!

Do you know the word “HodgePodge”??
Is it real or is it one that my mom made up?
When I put it in Pexels to look for a picture,
nothing came up.
But my iPhone dictionary had it!
Here are some synonyms:

  • jumble
  • mishmash
  • collection
  • combination
  • medley
  • miscellany
  • potpourri
  • melange

Don’t you love the concept? It doesn’t say “junk” (which is often what I thought of when I used the word hodgepodge). No, not junk… just a mishmash of unrelated ideas or an assortment of things that can actually be related – like this meat on a grill.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
A hodgepodge of meats

Need to Share

Today’s blog is a mishmash – a hodgepodge of various things, ideas, photos that caught my eye this week. I saved them because I either loved them or hated them, laughed or groaned at them, and I wanted to share them for your viewing, too.

Love One Another

My blog’s subtitle is “Loving One Another” – so I try to share ideas that represent ways we can reach out in love more fully and unconditionally to one another.

A friend (who was born in Canada but is now a USA citizen) sent me these pictures/memes/jokes/thoughts today. I decided if the election goes the wrong way next November here in the USA, Canada may be my next residency! It appears they have a handle on how to “Love One Another.” Even their graffiti is kinder than ours!!

And if they wear a hat with something written on it, I guess it is positive, too…

Going on with my hodgepodge, I received this meme from a friend today. It made me laugh. I think laughter is what keeps me going these days!

You can’t fix stupid. Don’t even try…
unless it’s YOU!!
Then get some help…
But God says we gotta LOVE everybody!
So, cover those unused socket holes!!
One of my blogging friends wrote a comment this week.
She said to me, “You’re a mess!”
Should I laugh or be insulted?
You have four choices for how to survive this virus:
champ, chump, clump, or chimp.
What will it be?

Oh, Other Options?

You say you have other survivor options? One way my blogging friend, Derrick Knight and his wife, Jackie, are surviving this pandemic is by being voracious gardeners. And Derrick is a phenomenal photographer. Let me add to my hodgepodge today by sharing a couple of my favorite photos he posted recently from his rainy vistas in Great Britain:

Derrick’s peach rose
Derrick’s Mamma Mia
Derrick’s gladiolas
I love ’em!
Derrick’s California Poppy –
My favorite.

Pictures Bring Back Memories

In my past life, some of you know I was a teacher for 24 years and a principal for 9 years and worked in the district office as curriculum coordinator (wearing a hundred hats with all kinds of responsibility and no authority to back ’em up!)… and then I decided to do what I loved most – and go back into the classroom before I retired. I taught a first grade and took them on to second. Oh, what a joy that was! Many of those students are my FaceBook friends today… 21 years later!!

That poppy brought back those memories because the school where I was principal for 9 years was Caswell Elementary in the Ceres Unified School District in California. Our school song was:

“Poppies, Golden Poppies,
Gleaming in the sun.
Closing up at evening
when the day is done.
Pride of California,
Flower of our state,
Growing from the mountains
To the Golden Gate.

We’re the Caswell Cougars,
We are Number One.
Green and yellow banners
Waving in the sun.
Caswell is a place for
Learning and for fun.
We’re the Caswell Cougars,
We are Number One!!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
The Cougar… our mascot

And the HodgePodge Continues…

Cord and Ruby

Yesterday, if you read my blog, you know we went for a farewell ice cream social to say “See ya later” to our two favorite little Sunday School friends, Cord and Ruby. We are praying for their happy resettling on their dad’s home ranch in Jordan, MT. It’s a six-hour drive from here. They’ll have horses and cattle and dogs and cats and lots of room to roam. Our love and prayers go with them. We gave them great big farewell hugs and told ’em how much we love and will miss them.

Vissoie, Switzerland

Great HodgePodge Finish

A great end to my hodgepodge for today is this wonderful photo that I JUST received via the magic of WhatsApp from my daughter, DeAna. She wrote,

“I took this photo
from the parking lot
near our restaurant
this morning
while thinking of you.”

Ah, our children certainly know how to melt a mothers heart, don’t they? Nothing could make me happier than to know that when my daughter sees a symbol of our faith, she thinks of me! What a gift, huh?

Maybe I am not so disturbed after all!!

A Puuurfect Ending

What HodgePodge of thoughts captured your imagination today?
I hope they were
a medley of
love and laughter,
memories and musings
that lightened your soul.

See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "Revisit HodgePodge on Tuesday" (17)

  1. Awwwww…..thanks for sharing my photo! I love you, momma! 🥰💖🥰💖

  2. There are so many great things in this post, dear Jan, I am very much looking forward to reblog it. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on AuntyUta and commented:
    I just love this post by Janbeek. This is why I reblog it. 🙂

  4. A nice post it is !! 👍🏻 I loved all the pics , especially the pic “puuurfect ending”😍❣️❣️❣️

  5. I came by via auntyuta’s blog site. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂
    Your hodgepodge is wonderful, Jan! You’ve brightened my day! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂
    And I enjoy Derrick and Jackie’s photos every day! So gorgeous!
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  6. A delightful post with some very funny jokes – and of course my photographs, 🙂 for which I thank you, Jan X

  7. Jan, you find colorful ways to share a kaleidoscope of your love with others. I wish the family well in their move to a ranch in Garfield County. Jordan is about a hour’s drive to the west from my former community of Circle.

    • Wow! What a beautiful expression 🥰 I love your expression of affirming my “colorful ways to share a kaleidoscope of [my] love with others.” What a creative and kind way to share your appreciation. I love you {{{Richard}}} ❤️

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