Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

The Tiger in Me

There’s a tiger
Inside of me –
It growls and
Wants to be in control.

But the tiger
Can be intimidating.
It’s not a peaceful

If I want to influence
Peace and kindness
In the people around me,
I need to unleash Pussycat!

There’s a pussycat
Inside of me.
It wants to cuddle and purr
and reach out in love.

There is wisdom
In that purring side of me.
Should I let the
Pussycat rule?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Yes, there’s a pussycat
Inside of me.
She is submissive
And sweet.

Will my tiger
Give in to her?
When is it right to
Let the growler rule?

Do you have a tiger in you?
And a pussycat scratching to get out?
I think we all may be a little of each.
What do you think?

Have a Happy Sunday.
We’ll have church services outdoors again.
It’s a beautiful blue-sky-day.
I’ll post my sermon notes later.


Comments on: "The Tiger in Me" (16)

  1. I’m mostly a pussycat, but people beware the tiger

  2. I enjoyed your poem and the photos are great. Have a wonderful Sunday Jan.

  3. I loved your poem and especially photos💖💖

  4. Good morning lovely lady… a beautiful and relatable poem. I believe I have those felines residing within or perhaps they just visit from time to time, lol.

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