Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

God is My Gizzard!

Yesterday I posted my sermon notes on a blog titled, “We All are Good AND Bad.” Today’s devotional in my Daily Guideposts was a wonderful follow-up to that topic… and a terrific antidote!

Photo by mark broadhurst on Pexels.com

God is my gizzard
Sifts out indigestibles
Keeps the nutrients

Owls have a gizzard
Because they swallow things whole
Sometimes we do, too!

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

In today’s Daily Guideposts 2020 devotional, Erin Janoso shared a story about her daughter finding an owl pellet. She wrote:

“Owls don’t have teeth, so they often swallow their food whole.Because of this, they end up eating things like feathers and fur that are indigestible – and some stuff like bones – that could puncture their tender digestive systems. Luckily for the owl, it has a gizzard that acts as a shield… sifting what is nourishing from what is not.”

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on Pexels.com

We don’t have gizzards,
But we often swallow things
That are not healthy.

Social media,
Garbage from some gossipers,
And harmful untruths.

God is my gizzard.
He sifts the good from the bad –
Helps discriminate.

Photo by Daniel Reche on Pexels.com

Erin Janoso continued in her devotional:

“… unlike the owl, whose body acts involuntarily, I can forget how desperately I need God’s help sorting what’s nourishing from what’s not.
“I looked again at the gray mass lying on the table (the owl pellet). If an owl’s gizzard could put such an end to the things that would harm it, imagine what God could do for me, if ony I remembered to ask.”

Photo by Ric Rodrigues on Pexels.com

Erin Janoso ended her devotional with this prayer:

“Lord, help me eject from my heart
the things that are indigestible,
things that harm me
and separate me from You.”

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

Psalm 28:7

“The Lord is my strength and my shield.”

Photo by Maria Pop on Pexels.com

Be wise, like the owl,
and put on the armor of God.
Let Him protect you
from the indigestibles
that come your way.

Let God be your gizzard!

Bee well!

See ya tomorrow.
Love ya,

Comments on: "God is My Gizzard!" (20)

  1. Great post, Jan. I love the photos, especially the first one. 😁

  2. I think God smiled at this one!

  3. I loved the post 😍

  4. Splendid analogy

  5. Inspiring analogy! God has saved me from harm more than once or twice. Instead of an owl, He has sent an angel to protect me. God’s peace to you and Bob.t

  6. God is my gizzard, too! I have a whole new respect and love for gizzards! Much love and joy to you, sweet Jan!

  7. I love it! Such a great metaphor for life!

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