Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

You Lift Me Up

When troubles come…
Where do you go to be lifted up?
I go into the mountains.
There God fills my cup.

Elaine Hundley Photography

I was not able to go with Bob these last couple of weeks when he took our ATV up into the Tobacco Root Mountains and the Gravelly Range.

If you’ve been following my blog, you know I had surgery to repair a hernia a couple of weeks ago. The doctor said those bumpy rides on our four-wheeler, “Lucille” (she’s red-headed and she is a BALL), were off-limits.

So, Bob took our friend, Julie, last week… and this week he took our friend, Elaine. Both of them loved it. I’m so glad he shares the fun with friends who appreciate the beauty of Montana’s mountains as much as we do!

Elaine Hundley and Bob Beekman

Elaine is the wife of our minister and friend, Steve Hundley. I share my poetic sermon notes each Sunday with you. It’s Steve who preaches those captivating messages! Elaine took the pictures I am sharing with you today. She has some real beauts here!!

I told her she needs to enlarge and frame this one!!

You can see the tip of Lucille’s tire here … obviously Bob stopped many times along the trail so Elaine could get out and snap a shot of the view. As you can see, they traveled up above the tree line into the snow. It’s mid-July and Montana’s mountain tops still have snow. Bundle up! Yup, it was cold up there while I was enjoying a 75 degree day down in the Madison Valley.

Elaine must have had more than an iPhone 6 for this shot. You think?
I thought that was “Lucille” but look again… it doesn’t have a red head!
The camera doesn’t do justice to the fields of wild flowers.
But, you get the idea.

No camera lens is as miraculous as the lens God gives each of us with our eyes… especially if we have 20/20 vision. But, a skilled photographer can come close with a good camera. I love the composition of this one with the rocks on rock in the foreground, don’t you?

In case you were wondering about their altitude…

Thank you, Elaine, for sharing with us your day with Bob and God! We are so blessed to be friends with one another and with nature and with our Creator! I love you! <3

And thank you, my WordPress friends, for going with us into the mountains where we can all feel closer to God. There, He fills my cup! Did He fill yours, too?

Be at peace.
God bless you!

I added the words below here to my blog from a couple days ago where I had a video posted of Susan Boyle singing this song… but some folks weren’t able to access the video.

I leave you today with this wonderful Peace Prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. Make Me a Channel of Your Peace…

Thank you, Lord, for your great creation. I find such peace in Your mountains!

I hope you did, too, my friends.
See ya tomorrow.


Comments on: "You Lift Me Up" (9)

  1. Elaina Colby said:

    Beautiful photos! I look forward to my next trip up that beautiful mountain with Bob and Lucille. Yes, it is definitely too bumpy for someone who had abdominal surgery recently! I’m glad you can enjoy it via photos.

  2. Lovely pictures!

  3. Fran McNeill said:

    Beautiful pictures and inspiration! Thank you Jan and Elaine. I played and sang “You Raise Me Up” several times yesterday! “I am strong when I am on His shoulders…”

    This warms my heart and gratitude for your friendship and prayers!

    • Thank you, Fran. Yes, that Josh Grobin song is one of my all time favorites! Isn’t he wonderful? Thank you for visiting and leaving your encouraging comment. Bee well!!

  4. Elaine has a good eye for composition

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