Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

We are in a bit of a mess right now
But we will as a world of people
Get through this problem of COVID-19
If we focus on the possibilities.

We have to see the problem, though.
We can’t ignore it and decide
This is just a bunch of media hype.
Opportunities for containing it are coming.

The people who are working on a cure
Have to view the problem clearly.
They won’t create a vaccine or treatment
If they are convinced it’s only a hoax.

This major, world-wide problem is
An opportunity for people to see
A new and better world where people
Come together to create positive change.

Factories shut down and air quality improves.
Tourists are convinced to stay home, and
The waters in the canals of Venice are
Beginning to exhibit less pollution.

Schools are closed and parents are at home,
Schooling their children the best they can,
And hopefully spending quality time together.
Shut off the TV; limit screen time; TALK!

This problem IS providing us with opportunities.
Which ones are you taking advantage of?
Which closet got cleaned? What book did you read?
What distant friend did you call to reconnect?

Problems provide possibilities for creativity.
Use yours to make this corner of your world
A little brighter for your family and neighbors.
Remain positive. Spread hope. God bless you!

See ya tomorrow.
Sleep tight!

Hugs, JanBeek

Comments on: "Problems Are Opportunities" (11)

  1. Great reminder! My extended family in Ohio and Montana are staying in touch. We are taking everything one day at a time.

    • One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time… that’s what we have … living fully in the present. A good way to keep our equilibrium!

  2. Sound thoughts, Jan.

  3. Lots of opportunities for sure! 😀

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    • Mitzy, I am taking advantage of this “down time” to contact famiy and friends, write cards and letters, conduct our Arts Association business on-line, and enjoy the peacefulness of the sunshine flowing through my living room window as I “work” virtually. What are you doing?

  4. Thank you so much, Jan, for pointing out all of those opportunities. I’m doing an online Bible study and I’m hoping hubby’s work will close soon so we can spend more time together. He also needs the rest.
    Sleep well. x

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