Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Gift of Love

Dreams are coming true
For those of us who believe
Just live with patience

It’s the gift of time
That will allow us to wait
For God’s best timing

Meantime we bestow
The gift of love on others
Living in “The Dash”

Living in the Dash

This morning I read a post by

Sehr Jalil, Sehr Jalil | is there anything that is not art? | blog
who stated clearly and succinctly on her “About” page
what she STANDS FOR.

It made me think long and hard about what I would write if someone asked me what I stand for. Living in the dash, 1939 – ????, I need to realize that I am on the latter 1/4 of the dash line (if each quarter represents 1/4 of a century – because of course, I intend to live to be 100).

And I’ll still be playing my accordion in 2039… you bet!!

Photo by Immortal shots on Pexels.com

[Go ahead – smile!]

What Do I Stand For?

Give the question some thought and see what you come up with.
Here is what I wrote back to Sehr Jalil. (You should click on that link and see what SHE wrote in her blog about that! Quite interesting!!)

My response:

  • peace
  • love
  • honesty
  • kindness
  • shared joy
  • integrity

I believe these are the teachings of Christ, who said the greatest of these is LOVE. So I send you the gift of love today, my dear WP friends.

What do YOU stand for?

Have a love-filled day.
See ya tomorrow!

Comments on: "Gift of Love" (18)

  1. I appreciate your post as well as the link to Sehr Jahil’s blog. She writes with a purpose of making her readers think. There is nothing ever wrong with that.

  2. Wow so much beautiful post

  3. Good night.

  4. That dash quotation is brilliant. My Mum, at 97, has her sights on 100.

  5. I just came across your kind and heartwarming post. Overwhelmed and happy to read it. Means the world and more. Thank You so so much. I’ll keep coming back here to read more and more.. Its a place full of love and joy… ❤️

  6. Reblogged this on Sehr Jalil | is there anything that is not art? | blog and commented:
    Thank You Janbeek.. Hope we live this ‘dash’ standing for all that we stand for ❤️🙏🏼

  7. I love that you said you’ll still be playing the accordion in 2039. Awesome!

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