Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity




Guest Minister

Today at church our guest minister was Dan Hollard, a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Bozeman, Montana. Our pastor for the past 25+ years has been Rev. Jean Johnson. Jean is on disability leave right now … in a rehab facility in Great Falls, MT.

Pray for Jean

Join me in prayer for Rev. Jean Johnson’s release from pain and ability to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

Sunday Surprises

Meantime, it’s a surprise each Sunday to see who is in the pulpit and to hear a different kind of message. Today’s message was titled, “Spirit of Peace.” I think Dan Hollard must have spent some time in Africa, because he put on an authentic African accent and told us the story of Ubuntu (Oooo-boon-too).

He based his message on the scripture of Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Here’s what I heard through my filter and took away this morning:

lunch table

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

There was a woman in Africa named Dorothy
Who embodied the spirit of Ubuntu
She was all about community and humanity.
Her kitchen was open to all … she’d welcome you.

She lived the spirit of Matthew 25:
If you see someone naked, clothe them.
If you see someone hungry, feed them.
We’re all one; you should never loathe them!

Dorothy was like a mother to all
Who entered her village; she’d invite
The hungry and poor to dine in her kitchen.
The sense of community was pure delight.

Like Nelson Mandela who invited his captors
To enjoy his inauguration feast,
Dorothy welcomed one and all –
Didn’t label anyone as one of the “least.”

Instead she lived a life that demonstrated
“I am who I am because of who we are.”
She knew “We are all connected.”
Her love lifted all people to “par.”

Everywhere in the world what we need
Is more Dorothys who live out Matthew 25.
Regardless of religion or color or creed,
We need Ubuntu to spread far and wide.

We must fill our world with love and joy.
We must fill the world with God’s peace.
We must feed the hungry and show respect
And love to all. Come and join my feast!


Have a Matthew 25 Sunday.
“I am because we are.”
We are all connected.
colorful dancers

See you tomorrow.


Comments on: "Ubuntu!" (5)

  1. Mrs. Jan, Mrs. Jan, Mrs. Jan…

    You have no idea how this message has spoken into my heart of hearts, and BLESSED MY SOCKS OFF! The last few months, five in particular, have been the most challenging holding onto what the Lord had shown and spoken, while having to stand still. Sometimes the Lord will give us instructions and directions that not only don’t add up according to our methods and calculating things, but they also have the tendency to cause us to doubt and question what you’ve seen and heard. But in the midst of fight and pressing through, Abba ALWAYS gives and sends some of the most amazing revelation and nudges that will cause our faith to truly blossom with wholehearted beliefs and elevated expectations.

    This message right here, has taken me over the top and will usher me into NEW BEGINNINGS! I await that day for all that He’s said and shown me to FULLY manifest! This message is proof positive of the Lord’s sovereign ability to use people, platforms, and situations, unbeknownst to us, in order to accomplish His good, and acceptable, and perfect will!!


    • You made my day, dear one. I soooo appreciate your message of affirmation – acknowledging that the message I heard this morning is one that spoke to your heart, too. What a blessing you are to me as a writer/blogger who needs to know that someone is out there reading, hearing, understanding, and relating to the things I take time to share. Thank you! I am sorry that your last few months have been particularly challenging. I pray that God will help you turn the corner and see clearly the path He has prepared for you. I look forward to hearing about your New Beginnings. God Bless You!

      • This message wasn’t general by any means, it was as specific as only the Lord could be! My goodness!! I might not even be able to sleep tonight with the joy and excitement that the Lord bestowed upon me with this Master’s Piece!!

      • Sleep with His peace and love surrounding you and holding you tight! <3

  2. “As iron sharpens iron,
    So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend…Proverbs 27:17

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