Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Nature’s Music

Nature’s Music

I love discovering poets
whose words inspire and teach me.
Sarika is new to me.
This poem is so beautiful…
I just have to share it with you.
I encourage you to go to her blog,
if you, too, want to be inspired!

cascading water

Nature’s Music

Euphonious burble
of the cascading water…
Dulcet whisper of
the gentle zephyr…

Drizzling raindrops
in staccato rhythm…
Melodious cadence
of psithurism…

Croaking of the frogs
and chirping of crickets…
Cooing of the doves
and buzzing of insects…

Birds chanting
sacred hymns in their abode…
Nature’s mellifluous music
on the play mode…

©Pure Reflections, 2019, Sarika
The  use of words like:

  • Euphonious
  • burble
  • dulcet
  • zephyr
  • psithurism (I had to look up that one)
  • mellifluous

is magical to me.
Does such useage strike an enchanting chord with you, too?

I think Sarika is a extraordinary writer/poet. I’m happy I found her.
You will be, too! She has only 109 followers so far, but
48 people clicked “like” on this poem… and 19 have commented so far.
That’s a wonderful percentage, don’t you think?

Obviously, she deserves much more readership than that… SO,

Visit her blog at:

Nature’s Music

… and consider becoming a regular there!

heart of love
See Ya Tomorrow

Comments on: "Nature’s Music" (7)

  1. 😊😊.. can’t thank you enough… Janbeek…for these lovely words of praise..this is really encouraging…. thank you so much…..💕💕

  2. {{{{Jan}}}} you rock. Thanks for introducing us to Sarika’s lovely poetry. Heading there now. 💕.

  3. I may need a dictionary, but I will not forget those words! Lovely, my friend — thank you for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing Sarika’s delightful poetry. 🙂

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