Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

7 Steps to Happiness

7 Steps to Happiness.jpg

Happiness is easier to CREATE than it is to FIND.


Love One Another

photo of couple sitting on hammock

Photo by Artem Beliaikin @belart84 on Pexels.com

Love and Appreciate

It’s never too late

Listen and Learn

Find that for which you yearn

Accept and Smile

And go the extra mile

Feel and Do

Do what God has given you

Love and Appreciate

It’s never too late!

red rose

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Here’s a red rose of love for you.
Thanks for visiting JanBeek.
Tell me something or someone you
are loving right now!

I am loving YOU!!
Have a great week.

See ya tomorrow.

Comments on: "7 Steps to Happiness" (13)

  1. Sunny De said:

    I’m loving visiting my brother. It has been such a joy to talk to him and to sing with him. Life’s wonderful! 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

  2. A great post, Jan!!! You are a wonderful example of love! I am loving this breeze blowing on my back porch, chimes tinkling, reading posts and about to read a new book from the Chicken Soup for the Soul called, Messages from Heaven and Other Miracles. I have t bought a book in a while, but when I saw the cover, it just spoke to me! 😄 Hope you are having a good day!

  3. I’m loving talking on the phone with my husband. He’s been away for some contract jobs in another state. I’ve missed him terribly! 😩
    And I love reading your posts, too, Jan! You are such an inspiration to me. Stay well my friend and God bless you! 😄 🤗 💕

  4. I love your heart and what you are writing about. Keep shining , thank you

  5. Jan, you always seem to find the appropriate thoughts and words into your writing. We can all benefit from sharing our wisdom and experience, and you are at the top.

  6. This one’s short but I’ve got the chills. Love how you used words to describe your thought.

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