Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

What Do You Yearn For?

What Do You Yearn For?

Today’s letter in the A-Z series
on Finding More Meaning
and Greater Purpose
in Life
is “Y”

The Word is “Yearning”

photo of person walking on dirt road

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

When you look at this picture, what do you see?
I see more than a dog and a girl and a tall, dark tree –
I see more than a grove and a road to light –
I see something for which I pray each night.

backlit clouds dawn dusk

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I see the peace for which I yearn – 

the Lord, to whom I turn –
I see a road that lets me in – 
And the path where I begin.


In their song, “Somewhere Only We Know,”
the Sons of Serendip sing of this place: 
“Why don’t we go somewhere only we know?”
Some of the lyrics say, “I found the earth at my feet…
Walked by a river and it made me complete…
There’s a place we used to love;
Is this the place I’ve been dreaming of?”


I’m dreaming today of that place on earth
Where only peace abides;
Where folks can hear differing opinions
And find no need to take sides.
I pray to find at the end of the tunnel
The Love of Christ everywhere on earth,
The peace that passes understanding
That was our gift when Mary gave birth.
I yearn to place my feet, my soul
On the spot where only love can grow,
Where labels end and hate is gone,
Where love and compassion are all we show.

In their book, Spiritual Literacy,
Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat
wrote this about Yearning:

“Follow your heart’s boundless desire.
It takes you out of yourself
and fosters an appreciation for
the multidimensional pleasures of life.”

What do YOU yearn for?

heart shaped red neon signage

Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

See you tomorrow… the Z Day of this series!



Comments on: "What Do You Yearn For?" (14)

  1. Beautiful poems. I like the first one, it speaks to my heart.

  2. […] What Do You Yearn For? […]

  3. Love it……”Yearning”

    • Thank you! What do you yearn for?

      • To walk in the perfect will of God, doing what He perfectly purposes, doing it with those He’s perfectly positioned and planted!

      • Yes, I pray everyday this prayer before I leave my sanctuary and walk down the stairs to the “World of Doing”… Dear Lord, help me go where you want me to go, meet who you want me to meet, and say what you want me to say today … while I stay out of your way! And dear Lord, help me Be who You made me to Be, and do what You want me to Do, as I walk in Your Will. Amen.

      • Amen!!

  4. Beautifully done

  5. This poem and pictures were just wonderful Jan.. You certainly brought me refreshing peace and tranquillity with your poetry And just back from my own slice of peace by the sea..
    LOVE and Well wishes Jan.. <3

    • Thank you, Sue, for reading and adding your comment. I’m glad you had a refreshing break from routine. Having my family here from Switzerland certainly is a refreshing “break from routine” for me!

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