Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Bio Poem

Bio Poem


A bio poem is used to reveal information to the reader about the poet.
If you have followed my blog for a bit, you already know a lot about me.
But this “Bio Poem” is designed to reveal things you may not know.
Some of them are things I may not have consciously considered before now!
It was fun to create.

Line 1: First name

Line 2: Who is… (descriptive words that describe you)

Line 3: Who is the brother/sister or son/daughter of…

Line 4: Who loves…(three ideas)

Line 5: Who feels…(three ideas)

Line 6: Who needs…(three ideas)

Line 7: Who gives…(three ideas)

Line 8: Who fears…(three ideas)

Line 9: Who would like to see…(three ideas)

Line 10: Who shares…(three ideas)

Line 11: Who is…(three ideas)

Line 12: Who is a resident of…(your town)

Line 13: Last name



Who is only 5′ tall, carries a lot of joy, energy, and love in her 80 year old frame

Who is the daughter of Sal & Betty and the younger sister of Sally DeAngeles Butters

Who loves the Lord, my husband/friends/family, and cooking/writing (I couldn’t limit it to 3 things – – I love a lot!)

Who feels blessed, affirmed, and healthy

Who needs grace, forgiveness, and humility

Who gives unconditional love, hospitality, and sincere hugs

Who fears no one (for God is with me), nothing (not even death, for I know where I am going) and losing my memory (because my sis is, and my mom & maternal grandmother did)

Who would like to see an end to all hate, all wars, and all bigotry

Who shares my belief in God freely, my home graciously, and my ideas (more often than I should probably!)

Who is a Child of God, a Friend to all, and a grateful wife, mom, Grammy, GG, aunt, cousin, and teacher (oh, and so much more!)

Who is a resident of God’s Kingdom on Earth – right here in Ennis, Montana

Time to try your own Bio Poem!
Here’s where you can see another example and learn more poetry forms:

Comments on: "Bio Poem" (10)

  1. This is a lovely poem Jan and I am so with you, Our Father God, creator of ALL is within us all, and we have both clear ideas of Life beyond Life… 🙂
    And you are one remarkable Lady who looks gorgeous for your tender years Jan..
    Love and Blessings to you, and enjoy your weekend Jan.. <3
    Hugs from the UK.

  2. Thanks for this, Jan

  3. I learned a lot today…it seems I always learn something reading poetry. And appreciate learning about YOU!

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