Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Surrounded by Angels

On a cold and frosty Montana morning
I sit in my sanctuary – surrounded by angels
And the stillness within and without
Takes me to my inner sanctuary

Come and join me this morning
In the beauty of a winter day
From the warmth of my Angel Room
My place of respite, where the Holy Spirit dwells

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The sky is dark and we’re in a cloud

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The angels within sing quietly; they’re never loud

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Jesus prays with me from His place in my cloud

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And reminds me that FAITH is not for the proud

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With humble appreciation, I think of the faces

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Who surround me with love in these heavenly spaces

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I thank God for the trees all frosty with glitter

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I dream of the people gone before me – they flitter

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In and out of my prayers, like the three angels here

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They remind me of prayer partners far away, yet so near.

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I think of the gifts of poets and artists

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The angels surround me – sending thoughts that are part of us

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Some are melancholy, reminding me of my sins

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Others are joyful, and my gratitude spins

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I remember the angel who decorated this egg

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And all the other creative friends – Watch over them, I beg

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Help my friends who are ill and need special care

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Shine Your light on them… let them know You are there

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Bring them comfort and health and wisdom galore

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Hold them close to Your Heart, Lord, give them so much more…

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… than ever they dreamed of; like the birds of the air

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Let them know you are with them; show them how much You care.

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As the darkness subsides and the blue sky emerges,

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Send them all Your GREAT LOVE that in my heart surges…

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Great love for the angels that brighten my day.

And now, my dear friends, I send some your way!

heart shaped red balloonGo on your blessed, lovely, angel-filled way!And thanks for joining me in my sanctuary today.


Hugs from JanBeek

Comments on: "Surrounded by Angels" (3)

  1. I love the idea of an angel room!

    • My maiden name is DeAngeles (translates to “Of Angels” from the Italian). My mom collected angels. So, this is a place where I have put her collection and through the years added many of my own … most gifts from folks who come to visit. Just today, one of the elderly ladies I visited in our nursing home (Eileen who is 91) gave me another to put in my sanctuary. So special!!

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