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Creative Use of Adjectives

How important are adjectives? How creatively do you use them?

Try this writing exercise:

Using this list of adjectives, write an essay. When you’ve completed your essay, then read the entry below.

glass, vibrant, craggy, deep, velvety, timeless, melted, pewter, snow-dolloped, sun-infused, small, imposing, massive, majestic, grand, stunning, temporary, awe-inspiring, regal

Got your essay done? Come on, you can do it! It’s fun.

Try it. Go back up and use those adjectives. Share with me what topic came to mind as you saw that list of 19 words.

Okay, your essay is completed? Read the entry below:

Inspired by Ps. 145:5, Kim Taylor Henry in “Daily Guideposts” wrote the following devotional:


I thought Kim Taylor Henry’s writing was wonderful. It inspired me to want to make better use of adjectives. What did you think about it?

Google her and see what else she has written. It’s an impressive list. Whose use of adjectives inspires you?

Comments on: "Creative Use of Adjectives" (2)

  1. This is stimulating. Adjectives enliven prose and are so often overlooked

  2. In golf, tennis, painting-every stroke is intentional. Why not words?

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