Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

G = Gratitude

“The simple practice of gratitude can change our lives. Sages throughout the centuries have noted: As we count our blessings, they multiply.”

A quote from Unity.com

Gratitude is my word for Day #7 in my series of “What Makes Me Happy.”

Yes, gratitude makes me happy – but it’s not so much the thank yous from others as much as it is my own Attitude of Gratitude.

“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” I don’t know who first said that, but I agree. And I would add, it is all about appreciating what you have and acknowledging those gifts. Life is a gift. Thank God today for green grass, gruyere, grace and all those “G” words that make you happy.

Mine include grandkids, Guideposts devotionals, and Goff (that’s Bob Goff who wrote Love Does and founded that fantastic organization, Pure Love Does, that reaches out to help so many. Do you know him? Get his book, if you haven’t already!). Google him! (Oh, that’s another G word for which I am grateful) And guess what? As I was writing this post, i received an e-mail from Bob Goff! His new book, Love Does for Kids, was just released. TODAY! How timely, huh?

Thank you, blogging friends. I am grateful for you, too!

What are you grateful for today?

Comments on: "G = Gratitude" (6)

  1. I too am very grateful for my grandchild.. she is the miracle after many disappointments. We all have many blessings we should be grateful for, we take so much for granted…
    Love and Blessings, have a lovely day Jan.

    • I am grateful that you have miracle baby grandchild – I know about those miracles! Our great-nephew, Liam, is one. Very special when those “not supposed to happen” cherubs arrive ! Bless you! Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  2. 👍🏻

  3. I’m so grateful for His grace. It sustains me daily.

  4. God and Grace … Yes, two of my G words, too. 👍🏽❤️🙏🏽

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