Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Be Angry

“Go ahead and be angry” but

“Don’t stay angry.”

Did you know the Bible

Actually says it’s okay to get mad?

There is a place for righteous anger, but

“Do not let the sun go down on your anger.”

Ephesians 4:25-26 permits and warns.

Choose wisely when and what to be angry about.

Then, transform that anger into

Energy and passion to seek correction,

To spread love and to find solutions.

Build others up as you use indignation

To fuel corrective action.

Live a life of love.

Go ahead, let your light shine Truth.

Don’t let anger linger and corrupt you!

Comments on: "Be Angry" (4)

  1. I so agree with this. It’s that old adage, never go to sleep mad at your spouse. Things fester when you sleep, and heaven forbid you lose him/her in the middle of the night. I also think it’s okay to be angry, but don’t carry it around with you like a backpack. My personal favorite is swear to the hills and back in private, then let it go. You feel good and you’ve hurt no one with your words!

  2. For anger I’m just like you…..I get angry, tell the other why, and then forget about it almost immediately! Makes life much easier to not harbor the anger inside. That’s a sure fire way to unhappiness!

    • I’m so glad you learned not to carry grudges! I think there are few blessings in life greater than a happy child. In fact, I’m having trouble thinking of one!

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