Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

The Power of God’s Love

The Power of God’s Love is beyond human comprehension. It is more amazing than the power of anything we know – even the power of mathematics (which, as demonstrated at this YouTube link, is beyond MY comprehension… http://www.youtube.com/embed/h60r2HPsiuM). Take a minute right now; copy and go to that link – and then come back, my friends.

Your hands are God’s heartststrings on earth. The love of God is demonstrated by YOUR love. I just finished a New York Times bestseller by Bob Goff titled “Love Does.” My granddaughter loaned it to me at Christmas time with the highest of compliments: “I know you’ll enjoy this book, Grammy. I want you to read it and be sure to return it to me when i see you in February. I have other friends I want to loan it to, also.” How wonderful that she knew this book would resonate with me. Chapter by chapter my husband and I enjoyed the book more than you can imagine. We vowed to read a chapter a day. There are 31 chapters. Some days we couldn’t put it down. In 20 days we were finished with the book and now we are going back to reread some sections and internalize the messages. You will want to do the same. Here are a few excerpts:

“…make a difference by getting to the ‘do’ part of faith…love is never stationary…love doesn’t just keep thinking about it…Simply put, love does.”

“The world can make you think that love can be picked up at a garage sale or enveloped in a Hallmark card. But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence.”

“What I’ve noticed… is that almost every time I type in the word love, it gets changed to live. It’s a kind of reminder to me… Fully loving ad fully living are not only synonymous but the kind of life that Jesus invited us to be part of…”

So, I am off to be fully loving and fully living today. I will put God’s love into action today by sharing it with friends and looking for ways to live the way Bob Goff does. The subtitle on the cover of his book says, “Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World.” I want to be secretly incredible today. Don’t you?

Love Does. I like that title. It’s my walking orders. The power of God’s love is in your hands and mine. Let’s go DO God’s love today. You with me?

Comments on: "The Power of God’s Love" (4)

  1. What a GREAT video !
    Thank you for sharing….my grandkids will love this too….
    Take Care….You Matter…

    • I am so glad you enjoyed the video. I have enjoyed rereading “Love Does” and recommending Bob Goff to others. He’s infectious! <3 🙂

  2. Hello Jan! It’s so good to catch up here, and cheer you on about this amazing post. I am definitely with you! Thank you for this inspiration to DO God’s love, and for the recommendation of this book. I’m eager to check it out. This post reminds me of a saying I like a lot, that I endeavor to remember everyday, that I (like all of us) am the ‘hands and feet’ of God. In my prayers I ask God to help me hear so that I may speak what He would have me say, see what He would have me see, and do what He would have me do. I’m delighted that He helped direct me here this morning.
    God bless your heart Jan for all you kindly share. Hugs, Gina

    • Thanks for the cheer, my dear. God bless you! You are loved… you are such an inspiration. Thank you for blogging. 🙂

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