Spreading love, joy, peace, faith & unity

Veteran’s Day


Love one another, yes! Love especially our veterans – Yes!

It’s time to reflect on all those who served, and especially those who died, in the military. Because they served and many made the ultimate sacrifice, I have the freedom to live a life of comfort in safety today. I am saying a prayer of gratitude for all those who prevented my country from being a place like Syria where this week 11,000 men, women, and children fled across the border to Turkey. With only the clothes on their backs, they escaped the tyranny of an oppressive and unjust government – only to find themselves in a less than desirable camp-like setting. But they are alive. “Freedom is not free” is not a trite little saying on a bumper sticker. It is a reality. Isaiah 49:15-16 says “I will not forget you. I have engraved you on the palm of my hands.” The names of our veterans are engraved on my heart. God bless the memory of each one of them. May those who gave their lives for my freedom be living eternally at the right hand of God the Almighty, reaping the beautiful rewards of their bravery and sacrifice forever and ever. Amen? Amen!!

Comments on: "Veteran’s Day" (4)

  1. We owe them so much! Thank you for this reminder!

  2. AMEN!!!! Love you, Mom xoxoxxo

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